The Amazing Plant Based Diet & What Happens When You Begin

The Amazing Plant Based Diet & What Happens When You Begin

From Day 1 to 1 year

If you are thinking of starting a vegan diet, you may be wondering what to expect.

How will your body change? What benefits will you see?

In this article, we will explore the changes that occur in your body when you make the switch to a plant-based vegan diet.

We will look at everything from day one changes to long-term results after one year on a vegan diet.

So, whether you are just starting out or have been vegan for a while, this article is for you!

What happens in the first few weeks on a plant based diet

losing weight on a plant based diet

In the first week of starting a plant based diet you are going to notice changes in yourself immediately.

After just one day of removing animal products from your diet you will notice that you are no longer bloated. Your body will immediately feel lighter without having to digest meat in the system.

You will also notice an energy boost thanks to the increased nutrients you are eating and the removal of the processed animal products you used to consume.

Your body is going to want to start eliminating any toxins or other waste right away. So be prepared for a little bit of constipation in this first week. This doesn’t last too long and is a good sign that your gut is beginning to adjust your new way of eating.

Within one week after starting veganism you could lose anywhere from three to six pounds, due to the reduction of fat and cholesterol that was being eaten on a daily basis before you began your plant based diet.

You may also notice that your digestive system works more regularly than it did while eating animal products as well.

This is because your fiber intake will increase dramatically when you consume more fruits and vegetables.

low cholesterol in blood from a plant based diet

Your cholesterol will start to lower and your blood pressure will decrease too.

So much so that you may even be able to reduce any medications you take to control them. This is because plant based foods have been shown to reverse heart disease and other arterial diseases.

Always check with your doctor though before doing so!!

You’ll also notice that you aren’t having those sugar crashes anymore where you feel tired or get headaches.

What happens after the first few Months

If you have made it past the first few months then congratulations, you are doing great!!

After a few months of eating plant based your body will be going through even more positive health changes.

Consuming only plant based foods for a number of months, your body will be experiencing:

  • A lowered body weight, with more energy and less bloating
  • Increased muscle strength and stamina
  • Improved digestion system function such as reduced constipation, cramping, gas and diarrhea.

You may also experience some of the following:

  • Less cravings for unhealthy snack foods due to your body not wanting these anymore because it is used to eating healthier alternatives instead. You will start feeling healthier for longer periods of time without snacking on sugar or junk food that can spike up your blood sugars causing fatigue or an ‘energy crash’ later in the day.
  • Your taste buds will have changed from what they were before. This means healthy plant based vegan foods taste more delicious than ever! You will start craving vegan foods such as vegan salads, vegan smoothies and fresh fruits over processed junk food.
  • You’ll notice you are able to run faster, jump higher and lift heavier weights. This is because plant-based foods give you a natural energy boost from the vitamins, minerals and nutrients it gets from whole plant foods. Your vegan body also has less fat on it so this means that running or jumping takes less effort for your muscles.
  • You may be experiencing some constipation or gas in your gut. This is a positive sign that the microbiome in your gut is adjusting to vegan plant based foods and it may take a little time for your body to get used to this. Consuming more fiber rich vegan wholefoods will help with the transition, so try adding in some extra vegan fruits and vegetables.
  • Sexual function will improve. In both men and women. By lowering your blood pressure and the positive effects on blood flow eating plants has, you can expect to see a big improvement in your sexual function. No more blue pills required!

There are some downsides to eating plant based

Vitamin b12 needed on a plant based diet

After a number of months you may be starting to run low on certain essential vitamins we mostly get from animal products.

Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 are essential and we need to make sure we don’t let them get to low. Especially in the winter when we don’t get enough sunlight to top up our vitamin D levels.

Be sure to eat plenty of fortified vegan foods, vitamin D fortified vegan milks and vegan yogurt are a great way of boosting your intake.

You will also want to look for vegan b12 supplements or vegan food products that contain plant based b12.

Iron, zinc and calcium may also be low but there are plenty of vegan supplements you can take to resolve that issue.

We have a great article on vegan multivitamin supplements and why they are needed you can check out here

After one year eating a whole food plant based diet

more energy and health

After one year of eating a whole food plant based diet your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, and type II diabetes decreases significantly. Almost up to 50%, which is huge!!

There are countless stories of how a plant based diet has reversed heart disease, cured type 2 diabetes and even people who have beaten cancer.

All through utilizing the power of whole food fruits and vegetables and a healthy lifestyle.

Your blood pressure and cholesterol levels will be delighting your doctor. And your weight will be in a much more healthy range.

If you were overweight or obese when you started the diet, you will be amazed by how much you have managed to transform your body composition.

You’re happier and more peaceful.

more energy and health

This is because vegan food contains no cholesterol or saturated fat that clogs up the arteries leading to the brain, keeping it from getting enough nutrition through blood flow.

When this happens we are not able to produce healthy neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine which is what makes us happy humans! So eat vegan and be happy!

Overall, eating plant based has many health benefits that improve both your physical and mental well-being.

Any chronic illnesses or diseases will have improved dramatically or even gone completely.

There are countless stories of how a plant based diet has reversed heart disease, cured type 2 diabetes and even people who have beaten cancer, all through utilizing the power of whole food fruits and vegetables and a healthy lifestyle.


So as you can see, the changes in your body from eating plant based are pretty miraculous.

You will notice a difference from day one and if you can stick to it for the long term you can transform the body into a younger more optimal version than before you made the change.

If you are really serious about transforming your health for the better then without a doubt goin plant based is by far the best way to do it!!

Thanks for reading as always

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